Snap Gauge

Snap gauge is GO and NOGO type gauge. That means snap gauge consist 2 fixed measured distance or gap, one is known as GO and another one is known as NOGO.

GO means your job or workpiece is OK and NOGO means your workpiece is rejected.

In snap gauge, value of GO is always greater than NOGO.

Let set an example,

we have a snap gauge of size

12.500 +/_ 0.050 mm

So our

GO size = 12.550 mm

NOGO size = 12.450 mm

and it is measuring criteria for a work piece.

GO condition

go snap gauge
Work piece is OK

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According to snap gauge, 25.55 mm size is acceptable for a workpiece. When we push snap gauge towards the workpiece the only area of GO cover i.e. workpiece is accurate.

NOGO condition

nogo snap gauge
Work piece is rejected

If Snap gauge able to move till NOGO area that means workpiece is undersized.

Snap gauge is usually checked for outer surface, which can easily be observed favorable or not.

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