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Metrology Terminologies

Measurement is a Natural part of everyday life. We express daily needs in size & weights, water and electricity are also metered.

A number of blood samples, active sub-stain in medicine also needs to be precise.

I think it is Impossible to describe anything without measuring it.

measurement tools
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Room temperature, body weight, sunshine,chest width and so on..

Almost every company are concerned with Quality management in the process of Introducing their work

First, we try to understand what is Metrology!

What is Metrology?

Metrology word derived from the Greek words Metro(means Measurement) and Logy(means Science).

Metrology includes all aspects with reference to measurements, whatever their level of accuracy.


Some technical terms are difficult to understand, so the following terminology is quite helpful for further studies


Accuracy is the closeness between a test result and accepted value.


Bias is the difference between the expected value and the accepted reference value.


Calibration is the set of operations that establish under specified conditions, the relationship between values of quantities indicated by a measuring instrument or values represented by a material measure and the corresponding values realized by standards.


Drift is slow to change of a metrological characteristic of measuring instrument.


The output result from a measuring device to be magnified many times to make it more readable, called Magnification.


Precision is the closeness of agreement between independent test results obtained under stipulated conditions.


The smallest change of the measured quantity which changes the indication of a measuring instrument is called Resolution.


Traceability means a measured result can be related to references.

Read more, about Units of Metrology

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